#avatar of the extinction
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blepbrain · 22 days ago
Avatars of the extinction could be so interesting. I did not care for the extinction when I first was listening to TMA but I’ve realized the potential and I’m a little obsessed
Like imagine, it could be a really calm person. Y’know those depictions of death where they’re super nice and calm because they know everyone dies eventually? that kind of personality except they’re actively looking forward to the end of all life.
It could be one of those doomsday prepper, bunker people. They don’t know they’re an avatar of the extinction, in fact if they knew what it was they’d think they hate it. But deep down they get immense joy from the idea of not only being proven right but being the last person alive and thats why they’re an avatar of the extinction.
Maybe a really discreet avatar of the extinction who seems lovely and relatively normal, maybe a little obsessed with apocalypse stories but nothing more! The reality though is they have romanticized the concepts of society falling, humanity dying, and the world ending to a horrifying degree. You don’t realize how truly in love with these concepts they are until something catastrophic happens and they watch with a look of pure glee.
It could be a poison ivy type person who think plants should grow over all of society. A sentiant A.I! More so a monster made by the extinction, it’s creation stemming from peoples fear of A.I taking over. Or a technology enthusiast who loves the idea of robots taking over the world. There’s just so many fun possibilities and I love it and they could be so insane and cool and I really like the idea of someone being dedicated to the end of everything and just AAHHHH gimme extinction avatars…
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yourfaveisafearavatar · 1 year ago
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The Fabrication Machine from 9 (2009) is an Avatar of the Extinction.
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apocalypse-post · 10 months ago
If I’ve been a bit quiet it’s cos I keep ending up in goddamn spike fields for some reason 🙄🥱
Got you guys a postcard tho! 📮‼️🔥
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nonbinarylocalcryptid · 1 year ago
Now that I finished tma, I need to write a fanfic. And I happen to like time loops, and fix-it, and sassy teenagers, and the Extinction.
Let's see what happens when you throw all that into the mixer, shall we?
This is gonna be fun
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calypso2511 · 1 year ago
Wait a second.
I remember that both Philza and Tubbo had connection issues when trying to connect to the server (I only saw the view of those two so I can't say anything about anyone else) And Tubbo says that they died and that's why they are in Purgatory.
They became Avatars! In canon I imagine the connection issues were cause they were briefly both in a sort of inBetween state, too human not to die and too close to the Fears to die.
So they both were presented with a choice:
Philza met Kristin in his dreams, she told him what was happening and then told him that he had both strong connections to the End and to the Hunt and knowing what kind of dangers he had faced and would be facing in Purgatory, he chose the Hunt as he felt that it would help him survive best and maybe even help save the eggs!
And Tubbo?
Curiously he did not dream of the Eye, maybe it was because the evil Eye thing didn't want him to be it's avatar or maybe he was never as close to it as he believed, but there was something else calling out to him, a thing of rust and change and dying and fear, of extinction and he took its offer, becoming a willing Extinction Avatar and has been feeding it gladly ever since.
His connection to the eye, how strong or weak it may have been seemed to drink into the background, seemingly vanishing near completely
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autisticsupervillain · 2 years ago
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Emperor Belos is an Avatar of the Extinction!
This man has single handedly transformed witch society into a horrific dystopia, ruling as a tyrant with an iron fist as he transforms a once open minded society into a bigoted, paranoid one where the selfish and corrupt like Terra and Odalia rise to the top. He embodies the part of the Extinction that represents society degenerating for the worst.
His end goal is the Extinction of all life in the magical realm. He intends to drain the magic and life from every life form in the Boiling Isles and leave all the rest to rot. He embodies the part of the Extinction that represents complete genocide.
His own greatest fear is finding that the human society he left behind has moved on without him and that he won't be lauded as a hero for his actions upon his return. Belos is a relic of a forgotten age and deep down he knows it. People aren't genocidally terrified of witches and wizards anymore and he'd find every aspect of modern society decadent and disgusting. He fears the power he serves as much as he embraces it.
The Corruption
Belos practically embodies abusive family relationships, from the murder of his brother to his abuse of his countless "nephews". He refuses to take any responsibility for his brother's murder, defending himself as "saving his soul" and justifies constantly murdering and replacing his nephews as them "forcing me to betray them".
He completely nails the rot asthetic of the Corruption, being nothing but a melting, shambling corpse by the end who must feed on others to survive.
The Web
Belos is a consumate manipulator par excellence who has been plotting his genocide for hundreds of years. He doesn't even blink before he tries to manipulate people he was trying to kill just seconds ago and he lies through his teeth to everyone around him.
He well represents the fear of being controlled that the Web symbolizes, particularly in his treatment of Hunter, who lives his entire life under Belos's thumb.
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Burn by 2WEI and Edda Hayes is an Avatar of the Extinction.
I could burn the city down
I could put you underground
Make the stars fall from the sky
Make the clouds and heaven cry
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horrormogai · 2 months ago
PT copied from under the cut
[PT START: avatar of the extinction. for anyone whos an avatar of the extinction from the magnus archives. made with introjects in mind but anyone can use this! END PT]
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❛⠀⠀avatar of the extinction⠀。 𝜗𝜚
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✚ 。 ⠀ ⠀⠀for anyone whos an avatar of the extinction from the magnus archives. ✝︎ ⤷⠀made with introjects in mind but anyone can use this!⠀ ┄ 🍖
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[PT START: avatar of the extinction. for anyone whos an avatar of the extinction from the magnus archives. made with introjects in mind but anyone can use this! END PT]
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muffinlance · 6 months ago
druk gets into zukos coffee supply
Uncle raised his tea cup to his lips.
"Uncle, how did he get in."
Uncle took the most delicate of sips.
"Uncle I am not turning another storeroom into tea storage."
"How unfortunate to waste the space," said Uncle. "After all, it is quite hard to keep a dragon out once they have acquired the taste!"
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yourfaveisanavatar · 1 month ago
Cecil Palmer is an avatar of The Extinction (honestly Cecil is most of the fifteen and the ones he isn’t Kevin’s got covered but I’m Extinction aligned and I want him to be with us)
cecil palmer from welcome to night vale is an avatar of the extinction!
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vickozone · 1 year ago
~There’s a rainbow of fears~
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This is a list I made of what I classify all of the 14 (15) Fears as according to color.
So, now you know.
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apocalypse-post · 11 months ago
Huh, how familiar..
A sprawling city, abandoned by its people. Left to crumble as nature reclaims it. Sidewalks are cracked by roots, windows shattered by tightening vines. This is no longer a place for humanity. We had our chance.
Now it’s all gone. 🤷
A field of dead corn, stretching as far as the eye can see. You can see signs that this used to be a thriving field, but something happened and now it's all gone.
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yourfaveisafearavatar · 6 months ago
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Carly Shay from iCarly is an Avatar of the Extinction.
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apocalypse-post · 11 months ago
Blight:NounA thing that spoils or damages something.
{What is it you damage, Blight?}
Contact sent from New Daedalus station automated response intelligence.
{We look forward to your developments, Blight.}
Woah, now this sounds offical. Nice to meet ya, space nerds. 🛸🔥‼️
So, ‘what is it I damage’ huh?💥 I suppose I’m still figuring that out. Can’t really tell if I’m the one damaging things, or if the damage just follows me. Or if that’s basically the same thing.
Either way, things rust, foundations crack, people get angry, then they get sick, then they blame each other, aaand eventually I’m left standing in rubble.🤷 Rinse and repeat.🥱💪
I’ve heard there’s an ‘Institute’ out there that collects stories from people like me… You guys are in with them too, right? 👁️🛰️ Big ol’ space station’s gotta be funded by someone.
I might try reaching out to them. See if they wanna listen.🧐 But anyway, thanks for reaching out to me💫🤙‼️
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nonbinarylocalcryptid · 1 year ago
I was thinking about how my INFP ass would be a Avatar of the Extinction but then I remember, I've reading/devouring/drinking books like they were water all my life, I'm well known for knowing random stuff, I can't left a question without answer, I love learning things...the Eye grabbed me by the collar of my t-shirt a long time ago
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valtsv · 7 months ago
i feel like you enjoy the cinema of david cronenberg
i enjoy it so much i made an oc based on him. that's how you know it's real.
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